About DNA Storm Games Inc.

DNA Storm is a Montreal-based SME (small-medium business) founded in 2010 by Michael Chartrand. It brings together a small team that has a common passion for video games. For the moment, despite their busy schedule, all the team members are working on the company on their spare time. Evolving in their respective fields, everyone brings their strengths and experiences to contribute to the well DNA Storm universe development.

The DNA Storm team is mainly dedicated to the creation of video games of all kinds. But, to date, it has developed several prototypes, games and applications. New in the industry, DNA Storm is trying to make itself known in Quebec and who knows one day perhaps, elsewhere in the world.

The concept behind the DNA Storm logo actually symbolizes a storm ideas coming from each of the team’s member. Each idea once assembled forms a new DNA. Merged into a storm, they create unique games. (DNA Storm Games)

Our mission

Design games of all kinds that are both fun and visually beautiful which will attract and encourage the users who to take the time to discover them.

Our long term goal is to reach the mobile market, as much as iOS and Android and eventually, we would like to exploit 3D on PC, Mac and console. Making DNA Storm a competitive company in the market would be a longer-term goal for us.

The team

Michaël Chartrand


Since I was young, computing, design, and programming have been a true passion of mine. I have always been fascinated by the world of video games, eager to understand all its aspects. This passion led me to pursue studies in multimedia to explore this captivating field and discover which branch would inspire me enough to push me further.

Today, I work as a Lead Developer at Version 10, where I manage a variety of projects: games, web, interactive installations, and more. But outside of work hours, in the evenings and on weekends, I devote myself fully to DNA Storm. I am involved in every stage, from concept to programming, but for anything related to visuals, I leave that task to the other talented members of the team.

My biggest dream? To make DNA Storm an unforgettable company, a brand that will remain etched in people's memories.

Outside of work, I am a passionate "geek," always eager to enjoy life and share that joy with those around me. For me, there's nothing more fulfilling than loving what you do, and even more so when you can share that passion with others.

It is this passion that drives me to give my best in everything I undertake.

DNA Team's Member


Desiring to keep his identity hidden for the moment, you may have one day, the chance to learn more about this outstanding 3D artist. Until then, we can say that Mr. DNA Team's Member is a 3D passionate and video games. Since graduating from high school, he has gained several years of experience in this field. He is currently working on everything related to the representation of relief images of animations, objects, characters, special effects, and more ...